Sermonette: Friendship
James Beaubelle
Given 19-Aug-23; 16 minutes
description: (hide) Genesis 2:18, according to the law of first mention, describes God's intention of providing a solution for loneliness by providing a spouse as a person's best friend. God's plan of creating a physical and spiritual family has involved eons of time, sometimes looking to the uninitiated or uncalled as hit and miss, but always perfect according to God's perfect time. Of special interest is the Proverbs 18:24 friend, a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Over a lifetime, we may experience a handful of such individuals, friends who stick with us no matter how many times or how badly we have messed up. Friendship requires a considerable investment of time. The seventh day Sabbath is a day set aside to establish an iron clad relationship with God the Father, our Lord, Savior, and Bridegroom Jesus Christ—a special day when God unifies His family. The friendship between David and Jonathan demonstrates that adversity tests the quality of a true friendship. When our friend's trials become ours, it becomes hard for us as well. If we have not loved Jesus Christ, the closest of our Proverbs 18 friends, why would we desire to see Him in the hereafter? True Proverbs 18 friends are those who stick with us in this life and will wait for us as we finish our spiritual race.