Sermonette: The Greatest Grace: Faith and Our Heavenly Shield

What Has God Given Us?!

Given 09-Sep-23; 23 minutes



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The relationship between faith and grace has over time become muddled by mainstream Christian commentaries as well as by Protestant theologians espousing a no-works agenda, who foolishly proclaim that the Old Testament emphasized works exclusively and the New Testament emphasized faith exclusively. The apostle Peter, in his first epistle, described the linear process with which the faith of Christ, given as a gift exclusively to God's called-out ones, would receive a divine influence upon the heart leading eventually to an inheritance as a member of the God family in His Kingdom. Peter names salvation as the end process of the faith that God's people are to live and follow by repenting of sin and keeping His law, something which requires diligence until the reality of salvation occurs. The grace that God's saints have received is to have eyes that see and ears that hear, something not given universally at this time. Faith functions as a guardian or shield bringing us to our promised inheritance. It is impossible to have faith in God without His law. Christ's mind working in us fulfils the law, binding us to God's law in both letter and spirit, exceeding the righteousness of the hapless pharisees. The heroes of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11 showed that faith was an Old Testament concept as well, with the forefathers walking in perpetual faith, believing God was faithful to His promises. Faith emerged early in the Old Testament as the prophecy of the seed of the woman destroying the serpent, supplying a new Adam (Genesis 3:15).

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