Sermonette: To Him Who Overcomes (Part One)
Levi W. Graham
Given 04-Oct-23; 23 minutes
Mainstream Christianity has short-circuited the sanctification process by their heretical "Once saved, always saved" or eternal security doctrine, which denigrated works and law-keeping and favor of cheap grace. The law is a timeless tool cast aside by those who don't understand its purpose within the framework of New Testament Christianity. God hates the false loves of the world, their false religions, their lying gods, and those who worship them. Faith without works is stone dead. In the admonition to the seven churches of Revelation 2-3, Jesus demands works and action from all of them. Once we are baptized, the law begins to come alive, helping us see what God defines as sin so that we can strive to overcome our former lives that only ended in death. Our sanctification is proved by our works of overcoming that result from that faith. Our job now is to ensure that we are not deceived into returning to former ways of sin. Jesus is the ultimate King, and He most certainly does not bear the sword in vain. Let us reject lukewarm tolerance and fight for God's truth with fervor and zeal. LET US CONQUER.