Sermonette: The Elephant in the Room

Overcoming Our Passive Aggressive Behavior

Given 21-Oct-23; 18 minutes



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On the surface, it is impossible to distinguish between wheat and tares, because deep on the inside is where the negative qualities reside. One of the evil practices of a tare has been described by the scientific community as passive-aggressive behavior, characterized by a hypocritical display of diplomacy while concealing intense hatred, producing malicious gossip, sarcasm, and responding indirectly to sabotage by secretly stabbing in the back, as 'honest Iago' in Shakespeare's Othello. In Proverbs 6:16 and Proverbs 26:23-27, we see the description of this evil deceiver, whose passive-aggressive behavior creates intense hurt by sowing discord among spiritual siblings. Passive-aggressive behavior can manifest itself in the behavior of sarcasm and put downs and talking about others 'problems' in a feigned attempt to help them when the real motive is character assassination. Passive-aggressive behavior militates against the Golden Rule. Sadly, most of us have been guilty of this behavior, pretending to be polite, but secretly 'getting even,' the cowardly way of avoiding conflict. The antidote to this tare-like behavior is to work worthy of our calling, speaking the truth in agape love (Ephesians 4:1-4).

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