Sermonette: To Him Who Overcomes (Part Two): Enduring to the End
Levi W. Graham
Given 25-Nov-23; 25 minutes
description: (hide) As God's called-out saints, He expects us to honor His Son's sacrifice by keeping His holy and spiritual laws, overcoming sins, and developing godly character, mirroring Christ and God the Father. The narrow way God expects us to choose is not easy, but full of tribulation and hardship. The apostle Paul, although persecuted and stoned, got back on his feet repeatedly and continued his rugged spiritual trek—just as we are commanded, sometimes going over the same ground repeatedly until we get it right, realizing that it is through much tribulation that we enter the Kingdom of God (Acts 15:22). Though God gives us His Holy Spirit, we have no free pass into His kingdom, and we will have to endure our share of tribulation. Our work throughout the sanctifying process will be a grueling task of scattering seeds—at times we will have disappointing yields. Realizing Christ has died for our sins, we should be fearful of trampling this sacrifice underfoot by accepting the lies of "cheap grace" and no works-the syrupy, false love tolerating sin preached by the mainstream Protestants today. We are admonished to count the cost when we are called to overcome against all odds. We hurt God when we refuse to overcome by failing to keep His law and not overcoming the multiple obstacles in our paths.