Sermonette: Our Family Resemblance
Craig Sablich
Given 09-Mar-24; 15 minutes
description: (hide) Family resemblance is a heritage we possess, but it comes with a great deal of responsibility. Our conduct, whether good or bad, demonstrates evidence of the type of character a family exemplifies. When God calls someone into His family, the patterns of the old, carnal human nature struggle to reassert their dominance, but as the gift of the Holy Spirit is exercised, the pattern of conduct begins to change, gradually resembling the new family's lifestyle. In the book of Genesis, God states His intent that the called-out saints would take on His family's identifying characteristics. Consequently, He has immersed His called-out ones in a rigorous sanctifying process involving overcoming and self-discipline, concepts rejected by most professing Christians. The engraving of God's holy and spiritual laws into their minds is through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is our responsibility to be living and using God's law every minute of every day, applying the Spirit of God's law, transforming ourselves into His image. Even though we may not recognize changes in ourselves, when we do the work of God with the right heart, producing the fruit as the evidence of our transformation, we are being separated out of the world as a member of His family, appropriating the family traits.