Sermonette: Our Ultimate Purpose
Austin Del Castillo
Given 16-Jun-24; 17 minutes
description: (hide) The Feast of Weeks or Pentecost pictures a crucial step for all of us who have received Almighty God's John 6:44 calling. We have the privilege of God the Father and Jesus Christ living in us via God's Holy Spirit. We are on the way to the resurrection of eternal life, having the same attributes as God. This marvelous calling took place before the foundation of the world. As David pointed out in Psalm 139, God had His eyes on us before our birth, foreknowing the individuals He would call, predestining them into His plan. Life is a bootcamp and we are learning the discipline we will need in His family. Like those who have not received God's calling, we hate to see the perversity of humanity, but we have the solution by knowing God on a very intimate level. He is the only source of eternal and abundant life.