Sermonette: The Road Not Taken
Taking Action
James C. Stoertz
Given 29-Jun-24; 16 minutes
description: (hide) Robert Frost's poem, "The Road Not Taken," focuses on the consequences of making decisions as well as the regrets of indecision. The "Y" in the road, for God's called-out ones, represents a need to decide either to follow God's direction or select an alternative path, whose unfortunate consequences will lead them back to another Y-gap between action and inaction. Unless we stop and calmly wait for God's will, we will end up with another formidable dilemma as experienced continually by our forebears on the Sinai. We are admonished to live in the present, seeking the Lord while He may be found, in the present. After standing still, waiting for God's decision for us, we must diligently move forward as God draws us, taking the opportunity of acquiring more of God's Holy Spirit through prayer, meditation, and Bible study, enabling us to bear spiritual fruit to serve our spiritual siblings rather than to do nothing, endangering our spiritual trek, leaving us with eternal regrets.