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Beware of Faith Blockers!

Article by Staff

We need to be working on increasing our faith and ridding our lives of attitudes that block faith. Then we can begin to be profitable servants.

Making Faithful Choices (Part One)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Gideon began his life as a coward, became a conqueror, and ended a compromiser, all the while needing assurances from God to bolster his flagging faith.

No Doubt

Sermonette by James Beaubelle

Doubt can be a tool to drive us to seek God and His counsel, where there are plenty of resources to stabilize us from wavering between two opinions.

The Miracles of Jesus Christ: Feeding the Four Thousand

Bible Study by Martin G. Collins

Christ's miracle of feeding the 4,000 may appear to be the same as His feeding of the 5,000, but there are too many differences—including different lessons.