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The Peter Principle (Part Three)
CGG Weekly by Mike FordGod has called us to be servants with humble attitudes. We are also expected to grow beyond that low-level position, gaining skills to perform well in our next job.
The Peter Principle (Part One)
CGG Weekly by Mike FordThe Peter Principle is a concept in business management developed by Laurence J. Peter: People in a hierarchy tend to rise to their level of incompetence.
The Peter Principle (Part Two)
CGG Weekly by Mike FordWe have our physical job, and then we also have our spiritual job. They go hand in hand. We are a witness to those we work with and to all those we meet.
The Peter Principle (Part Four)
CGG Weekly by Mike FordGod has given us certain gifts and the space to use them. He expects us to use them properly in service to Himself and the Body, and requires an accounting.
Crisis of Leadership
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughOur leaders behave like self-indulgent children, feasting in the morning, enjoying the perks of their office, ignoring the problems of the country.

Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Thirty-Six): Ecclesiastes 10:5-11
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughCause and effect relationships will always cause multiple metaphorical dominoes to fall. Similarly, sin never occurs in a vacuum but will continue to ripple.

Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Thirty-Seven): Ecclesiastes 10:12-19
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughAs teachers, we are all burdened with an unholy tongue, but we need to rule it to produce only holy speech. Ecclesiastes 10 focuses on a leader using gracious speech.
You Don't Know What You Don't Know
Sermonette by Hunter D. SwansonIt is mandatory that God's people realize the importance of lifelong learning in both general and spiritual education, whether it is absorbed formally, informally, and extending beyond classroom settings into everyday experiences, realizing that it is okay not to know what we do not know. Gaps in knowledge are natural and …
Sermonette by James C. StoertzThis world in general touts self-confidence as a key indicator of capability and success, even if one has to 'fake it' until he makes it.

A Crisis of Ignorance
'WorldWatch' by Richard T. RitenbaughIn our society, learned knowledge — including knowledge of God — is declining, and that spells certain trouble both nationally and spiritually.
The Purpose of the Church
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe function of the church is like a teacher's college, preparing the firstfruits and providing them with the needed education and character development.