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The Most Dangerous Battlefront

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by David F. Maas

The most dangerous battle at hand is against our own flesh, where we least expect treachery and where we have become the most complacent.

Principled Living (Part Seven): Enduring to the End

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Like a marathoner or a soldier fighting a battle, we are admonished to endure to the end, standing firm, holding our ground, and resisting assaults.

Against All Odds

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

We are assured victory if we put on the whole armor of God, standing together as a spiritual phalanx and repelling all attacks, the waves of trials we face.

Faith Overcomes the World

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

As we attempt to overcome the world, we soon realize that we battle against invisible principalities, requiring us to form a close relationship with Christ.

Continuing on to Completion

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Because of God's grace, those who are called late will reap as much as those who are called early. Whenever we are called, we must continue faithfully.