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What Does "Discerning the Lord's Body" Mean? (Part Two)
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeWhen Paul talks about the 'the [Lord's] body' without defining exactly what he means, he does so in the middle of a lengthy discourse on the spiritual Body.
Loving the Body of Christ (Part Two)
CGG Weekly by John ReissA root cause of the Corinthians' problems (and perhaps ours) was a massive failure in evaluating the worth of other members of the spiritual Body of Christ.
Loyalty to the Body
Sermonette by David C. GrabbeWhen we consider the value of our calling, we must look at Paul's warning about discerning the Body more soberly, maintaining our loyalty to the Body.
Overcoming Doubt
CGG Weekly by John ReissDoubt is not without merit, for it can be a springboard to greater understanding. Doubt drives a Christian to seek God in faith, if he deals with it properly.

The Gift of Discernment and Godly Love
'Ready Answer' by Ronny H. GrahamScripture warns about end-time deceivers who will seduce church members to ungodly beliefs and ways. We must make righteous judgments to reject what is false.
Our Personal Plumblines
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by David F. Maaswe learn righteous judgment through learning to see the consequences of our thoughts, words, and behaviors as they affect us and the lives of others.
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe Bible takes a very dim view of argument, debate, discord, and strife. In all matters of contention, we must strive to put ourselves above the fray.