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Take Heed and Remember the Less Fortunate

Sermon by Kim Myers

When a nation loses its morals, people feel free to take advantage of one another, especially the poor. God hates seeing the poor oppressed.

Amos (Part Thirteen)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

The people to whom Amos writes have the mistaken assumption that because they have made the covenant with God, they can bask in a kind of divine favoritism.

What Is Your Social Credit Ranking?

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

Social scoring is the rating of a person's influence by such criteria as the number of social media followers. The effect will be to create a caste system.

Facing Times of Stress: When God Is Silent (Part Two)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

What appeared to be a series of judicial set-backs for Paul was actually the outworking of God to place him before even higher levels of secular leadership.

Acts (Part Twenty-Four)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

As Paul is miraculously rescued and taken to Caesarea, he uses every trial as an opportunity to bear witness to Christ, preaching the Gospel.

John (Part Twenty-Three)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

In Christ's vine and branch analogy, Jesus presents Himself as the true or genuine Vine, as contrasted to the unfaithful vine (ancient Israel).

The Book of Daniel (Part Three)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

When the commands of a secular state conflict with God's commands, we face the same dilemma as was faced by Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

Patiently Waiting for Christ's Return

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

We must develop an active, God-given restraint and constancy in endurance while facing trials and waiting for Christ's return, trusting that God will provide.

Prepare to Meet Your God! (The Book of Amos) (Part Two)

Booklet by John W. Ritenbaugh

Israel had every opportunity that the Gentiles did not have. God gave the Israelites gifts to live a better way, but they completely failed to reflect Him.

The Philadelphia Syndrome

Commentary by David C. Grabbe

The Worldwide Church of God considered itself to be the 'Philadelphia era,' but the fruit has been misplaced trust, idolatry, competition, and exclusivity.

Letters to Seven Churches (Part Four): Pergamos

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Cultural compromise, such as found in Pergamos, brings judgment from Jesus. To those who refuse to compromise their convictions, Christ promises eternal life.

John (Part Twenty-Six)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

While the other accounts of Jesus' trial and crucifixion seem to show passivity, John shows Jesus totally in charge, purposefully and courageously moving.