
playlist Go to the Blood, Sprinkling of (topic) playlist

Everlasting Covenant of Blood

Sermonette by Ronny H. Graham

'Blood is thicker than water' indicates that ties to the family come before any other alliances. Yet the 'blood' could also refer to the sealing of a covenant.

Why Two Goats on Atonement? (Part Two)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

In the Day of Atonement ritual, the first goat's blood cleansed the altar of sin while the azazel goat took them away. Christ fulfilled both roles.

Hebrews (Part Twelve)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Hebrews 11 provides examples to bolster faith. The faith described is not blind, but is carefully developed from systematic analysis of available evidence.