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What's in a Name Anyway?
Article by David F. MaasNames not only identify but they also arouse associations. Biblically, a person's name held his reputation, a thing to be guarded and enhanced.
America the Great
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeWith our wealth, our power, our resources, and our technology, we have become a great nation. But it is all for naught unless we also become a good nation.
Matthew (Part Twenty-Four)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughThose who are mature should be able to endure the slights of the immature, being circumspect not to lead anyone into sin through our careless example.
More Righteous Than the Pharisees?
Sermon by John O. ReidThe Pharisees were in the office or seat of Moses. Jesus taught His followers to follow their words (pertaining to the Law of God), but not their personal examples.
God's Epistle
Sermon by John O. ReidWe as Christians have the obligation or responsibility to provide a light or shining example in a darkened world that generally hates God's way.
Sermon by John O. ReidSolomon compromised with God's law because his heart was turned to idolatry through his multiple marriages, diluting his early gift of wisdom and understanding
Learning to Navigate
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughAre we navigating through life toward God's Kingdom like Jesus Christ? As our example, He has already done the heavy lifting; our job is to follow his lead.
Philippians (Part Six)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughWorking out our salvation does not mean working for salvation, but instead making what we believe operational. God gives us the power both to will and to do.
Private Religion
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughSomeone misusing piety to draw attention to themselves to enhance their reputation destroys character and they will not enter the Kingdom of God.
Our Part in the Sanctification Process (Part Five): Cultivating Patience
Sermon by David F. MaasNumerous scriptures show the bad effects of impatience committed by ancient Israel, while the patriarchs, Jesus Christ, and the Father set examples of true patience.
Zephaniah (Part One): The Day of the Lord Is Near!
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughZephaniah's prophecy is sharply focused on Judah and Jerusalem because they should have known better. They are ordered to keep silent and consider their sins.
The Millennium and Union With Christ
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe millennial situation will resemble the behavior of our forebears; it will be our responsibility to lead them to hope, joy, character, and faith in God.
The Christian Fight (Part Two)
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughThe Christian life is a constant battle against our own human natures, this evil world, and spiritual foes who do not want to see us inherit the Kingdom.
The Purpose of Israel
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughGod chose ancient Israel 1) to be separate, 2) to demonstrate His love to them, 3) to keep His promises to Abraham, and 4) to make a covenant with them.