Sermon: Titus (Part Four): Traits of a Healthy Church

Sound Doctrine, Sound Congregation

Given 23-Oct-21; 81 minutes


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Titus, along with I and II Timothy, contains specific instructions on how to function as a pastor. Chapter 2 of Titus begins specific counsel to the congregation given in the imperative (commanding) mood, giving specific instructions to senior members of the congregation, followed by instructions to the youth of the congregation, explaining their specific responsibilities. Paul emphasizes that God has gifted everyone with spiritual gifts to edify the entire body of Christ. Every member serves every member interdependently for the good of all. The ministry must help the members of the congregation discover their temporarily concealed gifts. Elders and teachers, vulnerable in their position of being examples to their clientele, must monitor their public and private words with strictness and rigor with sober-mindedness, keeping the passions under control. Every member of Christ's Body has a distinct function, with those uncomely parts having the highest honor. We all suffer or rejoice together. The common denominator consists of humility, the burning desire to serve, ardent self-control, incorruptibility, and reverence.

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