Sermon: The Two Great Commandments: First Principles

Two Becoming One

Given 22-Jan-22; 81 minutes


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Both Trinitarians and Progressives in the government and US Food and Drug Administration have demonstrated their hopeless ignorance of grammatical gender, confusing it with biological sex. In today's godless society, the current debased rulers desire to do away with the binary sex division established by God, replacing it with homosexuality, bestiality, and every perversion under the sun, insulting God by suggesting that gender is a social construct —something to be chosen or determined by the whims of human nature. God made male and female in His image and has determined that the binary metamorphize into unitary in order to accomplish higher spiritual purposes. God brought Adam the animals to name that he might recognize his deficit of being only a fragment of a whole being, namely mankind, made in the image of God. In Genesis 2:24, God established the institution of marriage, leading to the principle that two shall be merged into one in order to accomplish a higher, more spiritual goal, reflecting the present unity of God the Father and God the Son and the future unity of Christ the Bridegroom and the Church. The principle of two merging into one is seen in the unity of the Old and New Testament, and the Great Law, consisting of loving God and loving fellow man—ultimately including one's enemies. The second principle is to work out one's salvation by cooperating with God, keeping His Commandments, and yielding to His shaping purpose.

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