Sermon: The Christian Walk: In Light

You Are the Light of the World

Given 23-Apr-24; 81 minutes


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Between Genesis 1:2 and Genesis 1:3 describes a period after which Satan rebelled against God in which the Hebrew words tohu and bohu depict the solar system suffering the devastating, horrible results of sin and rebellion. In this same passage, we are aware of the Holy Spirit, hovering like a dove, indicating that God went to work immediately, repairing the damage. The first act of the recreation was the establishment of light. God banished the darkness so that He could work, realizing that flooding the work area with light allows work to be done. As He divided light from darkness, He placed formlessness, emptiness, and futility on one side of the ledger and godliness, wisdom, and knowledge on the other side, demanding that those whom He has called choose light, suggesting that light and darkness do not mix. John 1:1 tying into Genesis 1 identify the divine Spokesman, the Logos, the idea, thought, message, reason, principle, and revelator. The Logos of John 1 and the Divine Creator of Genesis 1 are equivalent, identified as the light shining, dissipating forever the darkness. Darkness always flees in the presence of light. As our forebears on the Sinai were led by a pillar of cloud in the day and a pillar of light at night, all they had to do was walk and trust in His leadership trudging along 40 years. For the Israel of God (Galatians 6:16), the process is similar; Christ is our light, guide, and beacon, setting us on our path to the Kingdom. To His disciples, Christ admonishes us to follow the light, imitate (or do) the light, and become sons of the light. In spiritual matters, the only true light is Jesus Christ, who expands the dimensions of the law—adding a spiritual component along with the letter.

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