Sermonette: Anointing Our Eyes

Spiritual Blindness

Given 19-Jul-03; 13 minutes



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The Laodicean suffers from spiritual blindness which prevents him from accurately evaluating his spiritual condition, distorting his ability to judge. Physical blindness on the physical plane disqualified an animal from being a sacrifice. On the spiritual plane, spiritual blindness disqualifies a person from fulfilling his New Covenant role as priest or entering into God's Kingdom. Self-centeredness (doing it our way instead of God's way) is the principal characteristic of the Laodicean mindset. Ironically, the self-centered arrogant person is so focused upon himself, he cannot really see himself or the corrosive impact of sin on his life. We need to stir up God's Holy Spirit (anointing our eyes) to enable us to see ourselves in relationship to Him, getting an undistorted picture of our true spiritual condition.

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