The Sacred Assemblies
Sermonette; Given 10/24/2024
Very little detail is given about the Eighth Day in Leviticus 23 except that is has been called a “sacred assembly” rather than a “sacred convocation” applied only to …
Sermonette; Given 10/24/2024
Very little detail is given about the Eighth Day in Leviticus 23 except that is has been called a “sacred assembly” rather than a “sacred convocation” applied only to …
Why Two Goats on Atonement? (Part Two)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 10/11/2024
In the Day of Atonement ritual, the first goat's blood cleansed the altar of sin while the azazel goat took them away. Christ fulfilled both roles.
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 10/11/2024
In the Day of Atonement ritual, the first goat's blood cleansed the altar of sin while the azazel goat took them away. Christ fulfilled both roles.
Why Two Goats on Atonement? (Part One)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 10/4/2024
In Israel, sins were symbolically placed on the altar throughout the year. On Yom Kippur, one goat's blood cleansed the altar; the second took away the sins.
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 10/4/2024
In Israel, sins were symbolically placed on the altar throughout the year. On Yom Kippur, one goat's blood cleansed the altar; the second took away the sins.
The Unknown Deadline
Sermonette; Given 10/3/2024
Because of carnal human nature, a project or assignment without a deadline will typically languish, if not fail altogether. Regarding the date of Christ's return, no …
Sermonette; Given 10/3/2024
Because of carnal human nature, a project or assignment without a deadline will typically languish, if not fail altogether. Regarding the date of Christ's return, no …
The Power of the Holy People
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 8/30/2024
Does 'the holy people' in Daniel 12:7 refer to the church of God? What is the church's power? Can it be completely shattered? Are there other 'holy people'?
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 8/30/2024
Does 'the holy people' in Daniel 12:7 refer to the church of God? What is the church's power? Can it be completely shattered? Are there other 'holy people'?
Why Did Jesus Say 'Peace to You'?
Sermon; Given 8/3/2024
Jesus as High Priest was blessing His disciples with peace, as well as declaring Himself to be the Messiah. If we lack peace, we must examine our connection to Him.
Sermon; Given 8/3/2024
Jesus as High Priest was blessing His disciples with peace, as well as declaring Himself to be the Messiah. If we lack peace, we must examine our connection to Him.
The Process of Love (Part Two)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 7/26/2024
Tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering, forbearance, and forgiveness all set the stage for love. Godly love is the final brick on top.
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 7/26/2024
Tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering, forbearance, and forgiveness all set the stage for love. Godly love is the final brick on top.
The Process of Love (Part One)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 7/19/2024
Because God is a mystery to most, His love is likewise shrouded in mystery. It must grow in the right conditions and it takes time to ripen.
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 7/19/2024
Because God is a mystery to most, His love is likewise shrouded in mystery. It must grow in the right conditions and it takes time to ripen.
The Appointed Weeks of Pentecost
Sermon; Given 6/15/2024
Each day in the count is a reminder to consider what we are sowing and what we are cultivating because it will assuredly come to fruition and then evaluation.
Sermon; Given 6/15/2024
Each day in the count is a reminder to consider what we are sowing and what we are cultivating because it will assuredly come to fruition and then evaluation.
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 5/10/2024
Nimrod, Babylon's founder, was a narcissistic, arrogant, ungodly rebel who strove for preeminence. Most of his world clung to his coattails for security.
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 5/10/2024
Nimrod, Babylon's founder, was a narcissistic, arrogant, ungodly rebel who strove for preeminence. Most of his world clung to his coattails for security.
My House or God's?
'Prophecy Watch' Article; Posted 5/8/2024
In a revealing passage (John 7:53-8:1), the apostle John contrasts Jesus Christ to the Jews. God wants His people to prioritize Him above themselves.
'Prophecy Watch' Article; Posted 5/8/2024
In a revealing passage (John 7:53-8:1), the apostle John contrasts Jesus Christ to the Jews. God wants His people to prioritize Him above themselves.
Identity as Sovereign
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 5/3/2024
With humanity as the undisputed authority in the world, and an individual's identity unassailable, the whole planet is comprised of little sovereigns.
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 5/3/2024
With humanity as the undisputed authority in the world, and an individual's identity unassailable, the whole planet is comprised of little sovereigns.
Unleavened Bread Basics
Sermon; Given 4/27/2024
The Feast of Unleavened Bread memorializes God's deliverance from the environment of sin rather than our coming out of sin. Christ embodies sincerity and truth.
Sermon; Given 4/27/2024
The Feast of Unleavened Bread memorializes God's deliverance from the environment of sin rather than our coming out of sin. Christ embodies sincerity and truth.
Making Good Use of God's Talent
Sermonette; Given 3/23/2024
Biblically, a talent has nothing to do with ability, skill, or aptitude. The Parable of the Talents goes far beyond making use of skills and abilities.
Sermonette; Given 3/23/2024
Biblically, a talent has nothing to do with ability, skill, or aptitude. The Parable of the Talents goes far beyond making use of skills and abilities.
Is Barabbas the Fulfillment of the Scapegoat?
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 3/15/2024
Because of Matthew's inclusion of a number of Day of Atonement-related symbols, one theory holds that Barabbas was a type of the scapegoat (azazel).
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 3/15/2024
Because of Matthew's inclusion of a number of Day of Atonement-related symbols, one theory holds that Barabbas was a type of the scapegoat (azazel).
Was Paul a False Apostle?
Sermonette; Given 2/3/2024
An increasing number of people believe Paul was not a real apostle, but an imposter, trying to seduce people to stop keeping God's laws.
Sermonette; Given 2/3/2024
An increasing number of people believe Paul was not a real apostle, but an imposter, trying to seduce people to stop keeping God's laws.
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 2/2/2024
A Christian can obey God's law yet still resist His sovereign will. Such was Jonah, angry with God for His mercy. Christ is our example of true surrender.
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 2/2/2024
A Christian can obey God's law yet still resist His sovereign will. Such was Jonah, angry with God for His mercy. Christ is our example of true surrender.
Hamas' October 7 Attack
Sermon; Given 1/13/2024
Hamas' October 7 attack fits into a biblical pattern of God's people turning from Him, causing God to hide His face and allow incredible suffering.
Sermon; Given 1/13/2024
Hamas' October 7 attack fits into a biblical pattern of God's people turning from Him, causing God to hide His face and allow incredible suffering.
Are You a Christian?
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 12/13/2023
One-third of earth's population calls itself 'Christian' despite vast differences in doctrine. Should God's elect, true disciples of Christ, use this name?
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 12/13/2023
One-third of earth's population calls itself 'Christian' despite vast differences in doctrine. Should God's elect, true disciples of Christ, use this name?