Sermonette: 'The Life That I Now Live'

Keeping the Holy Days Requires Faith

Given 20-Mar-04; 14 minutes



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Misguided theologians often attempt to discredit God's holy days by misapplying Galatians 4:8-10. Paul's admonition to this Gentile congregation concerning "days, months, seasons, and years" actually applied to their desire to return to the rank pagan religion they had been delivered from. These weak and beggarly elements were not even remotely connected with God's Holy Days, but instead referred to the practices brought into the church from pagan tradition - idolatrous superstitious holidays coupled with human reason, leading to abject bondage. Ironically, these days actually apply to observance of Christmas, Easter, Lent, etc., events embraced by false or apostatized Christianity, lacking the faith to leave these pagan traditions behind.

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