Sermonette: Fearing God at the Feast

Celebrating God's Faithfulness

Given 28-Aug-04; 15 minutes



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We must fear God in order not to fear man. Fearing God plays a large part in the proper observance of Feast of Tabernacles. Fear of God appears in: (1) the practice of tithing (depending upon the faithfulness and providence of God), (2) living in temporary dwellings (depicting God's faithfulness and providence in temporary situations- representing metaphorically our entire life) (3) the command to rejoice (distinguishing God' feasts from the world's self-indulgent celebrations), and (4) fearing God because He is faithful (in giving blessings and calamity-if needed —for course correction). In short, the entire Feast of Tabernacles is a celebration of God's faithfulness.

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