Sermonette: Worshipping in Spirit and in Truth

Our Response to Our Superior

Given 24-Dec-05; 16 minutes


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Even though the pagan origins of Christmas are incontrovertible, twisted human nature goes to extraordinary lengths to justify its practice. Keeping the trappings of Christmas violates the second commandment, preventing us from worshipping God in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24). Worship in its basic sense is a response from an inferior to a superior, causing him to bow down. God gives us guidelines how to worship in spirit and truth. Our reverential response should be primarily spiritual, exposing the underlying principle or core. The only ones who can do this worshipping in spirit and truth are those who have God's Holy Spirit. If the substance of Christmas is from a false or pagan source, it is impossible- even with the utmost sincerity- to worship in spirit in truth. Doctrine provides the framework of how one worships; sincerity without correct doctrine is useless and even dangerous.

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