Sermonette: Count Your Blessings

Blessings, Joy, and Thanksgiving

Given 04-Jun-06; 26 minutes



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People feel more blessed if they are able to count or name their blessings. Joy and thanksgiving are inextricably linked together. Giving thanks helps us to realize our dependence upon Almighty God. Moses realized that God was involved in his life in all circumstances. Like Moses, we must learn to look beyond the immediate, offering prayer in every event of our life. A thankful person is a thinking person, thinking on the right things. A depressed person is also a thinking person, but conscious of only the problems. Unfortunately, if we think on our life's problems, the problems will intensify. We must not think only on the problem, but beyond the problem to the solution - through prayer, Bible study, and meditation. The offerings given at the holy days are thank offerings, expressing our dependency upon God.

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