Sermonette: 30,000 Feet Up


Given 19-Oct-08; 20 minutes


playlist Go to the Feast of Tabernacles 2008 playlist


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From 30,000 feet up in the sky, we can see the big picture, but as we move to 20,000 feet, things get a little more complicated and less predictable. Under Herbert W. Armstrong, the church had a uniquely large media presence. After the scattering of the church, that media coverage has never again been attained, but the work went forward in a myriad of different venues. As we descend to the earth level, we see increasingly more problems, revealing differences in background, philosophy, occupations, and artistic tastes. The solution to disunity is not to merge the scattered pieces back together, but instead to individually conform to Christ's image. After this transformation occurs, we will by default come to unity. We have to trust that God is bringing His children to that level of spirituality and godliness, filling in the details. We must allow God to develop us as He will.

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