Sermonette: Discord From Self-Determination


Given 05-Jul-97; 25 minutes



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Among the six things that God hates (Proverbs 6:16) is those who sow discord among the brethren. Discord never has a productive purpose. According to Benjamin Netanyahu, Hitler was able to attack Czechoslovakia only after splitting the factions apart with propaganda fomenting discord among the German nationals living in Czechoslovakia, even though the German nationals' rights were protected in this democratic government. The western powers knuckled under Hitler's demands even though they had signed the Treaty of Versailles, offering to defend the Czechs. The annexation of the Sudetenland was followed by a renewed set of demands on the Czechs, followed by an annexation of all of Czechoslovakia. Israel today faces similar threats with factions trying to carve Judea and Samaria away from Israel. Like the Germans, the Muslim Arabs know that as long as Israel controls the mountain regions, they know they cannot carry out their intention of eradicating Israel. The Arab regime has been pleading to the west that they want "self-determination." Sympathetic leftists in the west have responded to this propaganda. The self-determination ruse has also been used by gays, Hispanics, Blacks, and others to break down the power of the Republic, destroying, boundaries, language, and culture. The Nazis, Arabs, gays, and militant Hispanics have been successful in spreading discord and dissension. An analogy could be drawn to people who spread discord within God's church, under the banner or excuse of self-determination, claiming they weren't treated fairly. The discord has been driving God's people apart from one another, ironically placing some of them in factions which were more tyrannical than the ones they left, hardly a refuge from religious abuse.

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