Sermonette: Does God Have Wings?

The Contents of the Tabernacle

Given 21-May-11; 18 minutes


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Many references in the Psalms metaphorically depict God as having wings, a symbol of protection, as a mother hen would gather chicks under her wings. We extrapolate from Genesis 1:27 that God does not have literal wings, but offers protection to His people. The carved images of cherubim (with the four faces of the ox, the lion, the man, eagle symbolizing aspects of Jesus Christ's human and divine character) above the mercy seat extend this concept of protection and shelter. Under the mercy seat, one finds the manna, symbolic of God's providence, Aaron's rod that budded, symbolizing a chosen priesthood, and the tablets of testimony of the covenant, the ground-rules for our relationship with God. In the future, all of creation will be under the metaphorical protective wings of Christ.

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