Sermonette: Unreconciled


Given 14-Oct-11; 18 minutes


playlist Go to the Feast of Tabernacles 2011 playlist


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As we examine the artifacts of our pre-conversion life, we become aware of a continuous life and death salvation-based battle, pitting the "old man" from our pre-conversion days with the "emerging" new man. The battle is more internal than external. We dare not form a nexus between the old and new, the carnal with the spiritual, forming a kind of internal syncretism. We are enamored with the personality we used to be in the "good-old days." We should not have a double mind, but should mortify our old pre-conversionary thoughts and ways. Satan is all about yesterday, because he knows tomorrow will spell his doom. We must struggle to get free from the law of sin warring in our mind, asking Christ to deliver us. Conversion means change; we cannot look back, but must look forward, kicking out the old man from our mental dwelling. Let us focus upon the good fight.

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