Sermonette: Privilege, Responsibility, and Judgment (2012)

Privilege Brings a Cost

Given 07-Apr-12; 16 minutes



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Privilege always brings responsibility. The more we are blessed and lavished with gifts, the greater the responsibility we have to help others. Being blessed, including our precious calling from God Almighty, is in reality a mandate to serve. As God gives us wealth, we have a responsibility to give back a tenth. Throughout the Scriptures, our ancestors were warned to leave a portion of the crop for strangers. God owns the entire earth; we only rent a portion of it and are obligated to use our wealth to help those around us, especially those less fortunate than we are. As members of physical and spiritual Israel, we will be called to account for our stewardship of the resources God has given to Jacob's descendants. Sadly, because of self-centeredness, modern Israel has been squandering our father Abraham's blessings.

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