Passover: Passover Service 2013


Given 24-Mar-13; 58 minutes



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Each successive Passover seems to be more significant than the previous one. Even though we see more clearly the magnitude of our destructive human nature, we also come to realize the enormousness of the sacrifice Christ had to undergo for us. In this particular annual service, we need to care about what God the Father and Jesus Christ have done for us to give us a hope and the future. Caring motivates one to take action, taking caution and developing sensitivity to others. At Passover, never was a crime so unfairly committed against one so totally innocent; we are responsible for this injustice and should feel the responsibility. Sin is a failure of responsibility and caring. God wants us to feel deeply enough to be motivated to change. God cares for us so intensely that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us, enabling us to be in the Kingdom of God. Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread are charged with emotion. We should be motivated to give a thank offering, becoming a living sacrifice. The broken bread symbolizes Christ's body beaten for us for our healing and the sharing of the body of Christ in communion with other believers. The wine symbolizes the sacrifice of Christ's blood redeeming us, reconciling us with God the Father, enabling us to become children of God. Jesus, in John 17, offers a moving prayer, on behalf us His disciples then and now, to be protected from persecution and temptation of the world. After the Disciples had sung a hymn, they departed into the Mount of Olives.

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