Commentary: Loyalty or Right in Your Own Eyes


Given 20-Jan-18; 13 minutes



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While Ruth had a sterling reputation for loyalty, Christ is even more loyal to us. Just as nothing can separate us from the love of God, we should not let anything separate us from each other as brethren. In making our plans for the Feast of Tabernacles, we can demonstrate loyalty by booking our lodging with the hotel contracted by the Church of the Great God rather than making use of other hotels. The Church has negotiated with the hotel in good faith in order to provide a maximum number of amenities, including free internet, long distance telephone service, and complimentary breakfast—all at highly competitive rates. In cases of financial hardship, assistance from the Church is certainly available. If pride stands in the way of asking for assistance, please remember that making use of other hotels imperils these negotiated benefits for the entire congregation. If one has a genuine need, the church is happy and able to provide. As brethren, we should all be conscious of the needs of each other. If we make our needs known to God in prayer, God will provide.

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