Sermonette: Our Privilege


Given 02-Oct-01; 20 minutes


playlist Go to the Feast of Tabernacles 2001 playlist


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Though we may not be of the privileged class of society (those favored by birth, wealth, or power—the movers and shakers), we have privilege of insight into God's purposes, enabling us to provide assistance to the "have nots" of this same resource. The privileged have the obligation to help those less endowed. The more we are given, the more we are privileged, and the more is expected from us. It is the responsibility of leadership to take care of those less privileged. Aside from Israel, no other nation has heard His voice. New covenant responsibility and privilege is a quantum leap over the privilege and responsibility of the Old Covenant. Part of our responsibility emanating from this privilege is the stewardship of our monetary resources.

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