Forerunner: Preparing Christians for the Kingdom of God

How Can We Find Peace? (May 1998)

May 1998
Volume 7, Number 5

Ours is not a peaceful world. War, crime, violence, and disaster surround us on every side. Nevertheless, we can have peace, a peace that "surpasses all understanding" (Philippians 4:6-7). This peace is a gift of God, and it can be ours through our relationship with him.  (CGG Photo)

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
The Fruit of the Spirit:

We live in a world that has little or no idea what true peace is or how it is achieved. John Ritenbaugh shows how we can produce godly peace even in the midst of turmoil and why it is such an important virtue.

Ready Answer
No Greater Love

by Staff

Christ says in God's Word that we can show no greater love than in sacrificing our lives for our friends. How do we do this? We must come to the point where we are doing this daily!

Prophecy Watch
It's All Relative

by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

We frequently hear our culture labeled as postmodern. What is postmodernism? How is it related to relativism? Richard Ritenbaugh explains these terms and shows examples of them in politics, music and advertising — and gives God's opinion of it.

A Portable Peace
by David F. Maas

Peace is less of an external situation than an internal state. As such, we can have peace wherever we happen to be. We can help ourselves create this state by occasionally getting away from the hustle and bustle of modern life.


by Staff

News, events and trends as they relate to prophecy and the end times for May 1998.

Bible Study

by Martin G. Collins

Longsuffering, or patience, the fourth fruit of the Spirit, is a much needed virtue in a fast-paced, impatient world. This Bible Study highlights the basics of this godly attribute.

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