Commentary: Are Humans Becoming More Intelligent? (Part One)
Ancient Brilliance vs. Modern Intelligence
Martin G. Collins
Given 16-Sep-17; 12 minutes
Even with some of the dazzling accomplishments of technology, we must not swallow the deceptive Satanic evolutionary hypothesis taught in our schools that mankind is becoming smarter than ever before. While Daniel proclaimed that knowledge would increase in the end times, he did not debunk the stellar accomplishments of ancient civilizations such as the Great Pyramid, a structure whose measurements indicate the circumference of the earth and its axial movements, all done without the aid of computers. Moderns have never replicated the knowledge possessed by the engineers of these great pyramids. Not a primitive folk, but one enjoying superior knowledge, informed by God Himself, constructed this structure, occupying 13 acres, 481 feet high (50 stories tall), containing 2 ½ million blocks of stones, some weighing 7 tons. In many ways, moderns, using technology for destructive purposes, are more ignorant than their ancient counterparts.
We live in a technological age. We see incredible inventions that have been mastered in the last 150 years. We have computers, phones, TVs, planes, trains and automobiles, and even a space station.
By only looking at the great technical developments and new-fangled gadgets quickly taking over our lives, we could easily (from a secular perspective) think that humanity is getting smarter because of what we have accomplished materially. Our secularized culture teaches an evolutionary history. We are told that we were once dumb beasts in an evolutionary past, but over the millennia we became gradually smarter. Eventually, we became builders of primitive settlements and then of civilizations.
But our Creator says otherwise. We have been made unique from animals and created in the image of God! But the world believes the lies they have been given about evolution because the satanic propaganda has so thoroughly saturated this willingly ignorant society in the worldly schools, media, government, and even in churches.
The grand satanic deception that mankind is getting smarter is at the point where people just accept it without a second thought. But is man really becoming more intelligent? Is he becoming smarter? As always, the Bible has the answer. Notice what God prophesied about our time now:
Daniel 12:4 "But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase."
Mankind is not becoming more intelligent. In reality, today there is a greater accumulation of knowledge from which we build the next level of technology. There are some brilliant people in the world, and there are some not so brilliant people in the world. Anciently, there were some brilliant people in the world, and not so brilliant people.
Let’s look at one example of ancient brilliance. Currently, Egyptologists most commonly accept that the pyramids were constructed by moving huge stones from a quarry and dragging and lifting them into place. There have been several people who have illustrated how this could have been done, but many Egyptologists and other scientists don’t believe it was that simple. Not only that, these modern Egyptologists believe that given the complexity of various factors involved with the incredibly precise placement of the pyramids, more information must have been known about the earth than historians claim people knew at that time. Historians claim that they didn't know, or didn't have the technology to be able to build that type of thing. And sometimes they use excuses like it was aliens or something else.
Let me give you a few mind-boggling facts about the dimensions of the Great Pyramid in relation to the earth. The Great Pyramid contains a great many mysteries. It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact. It weighs 6 million tons, which can be calculated from its mass. Its footprint is 13 acres; it is 755 feet along each side (230.4 meters); and with an original height of 481 feet (146 meters).
About 2.5 million individual blocks of stone, weighing an average of 2.5 tons each, were used in its construction. There were dozens of blocks weighing 70 tons that were raised more than 300 feet above the ground. Archeologists say it was the tallest structure in the world for about 3,800 years; that is, until the Eiffel Tower came along in AD 1889.
But it’s not just enormous! It’s tremendously precise and locked into the fundamental dimensions of our planet. Also, it is targeted on true north, within 1/360th of a single degree. No modern builder would even consider locking into his building the burden of targeting true north within a minute fraction of a single degree.
They just would not see the need or want the frustration. They wouldn’t understand why it was important to do that, but something drove the builders of the Great Pyramid to go to a tremendous amount of added trouble, not only to construct this massive imposing monument, but also to lock it on to true north, and then—to make things almost impossible—to incorporate into its dimensions the dimensions of our planet. How in the world did the ancients know what the dimensions of our planet were?
If you take the height of the Great Pyramid and multiply it by 43,200 (remember that number), you get the polar radius of the earth, that is, the distance from the Earth’s center to it surface. And if you measure the huge base of the pyramid accurately and multiply that measurement by 43,200, you get the equatorial circumference of the earth.
Now think about this: For thousands of years, through dark ages and even during a time when humans did not even know we live on a globe, yet roughly 1,800 years before Christ somehow that monument was built and encoded with the exact dimensions of the earth on a scale of 1 to 43,200.
This number (43,200) is not random either. It is derived from a key motion of the earth called “the precession of the earth’s axis.” The earth wobbles on its axis very slowly at the rate of one degree every 72 years. 43,200 is a multiple of 72. In fact, it’s 600 times 72.
So, the architects of the Great Pyramid have given us the dimensions of our planet on a scale defined by the planet itself, and that’s an incredibly brilliant thing to do. How on earth did they do it? Where did that knowledge come from? We don’t know, other than that God must have provided it and inspired it, because we are not smart enough to figure it out even to this day! This is a work of (almost but not quite) space-age precision. It contains very small errors, but no doubt they are human errors. The great precision, the great expertise, the great skill is unequaled.
Some people still believe that the Great Pyramid was built by slaves. However, modern Egyptologists accept that it was built by many tens of thousands of skilled workers rather than slaves. They believe no slaves were involved in the construction of the Great Pyramid, and that there is no evidence of slaves in the Old Kingdom Egypt whatsoever.
The Great Pyramid is the result of the work of masters of architecture at the peak of their skill, not an unwilling labor force. They were people for whom it was a labor of great care and vigilant attention to detail. If they had made a small mistake at the base, by the time they got to the summit of the 480 feet high pyramid, they would not have had a pyramid, they would have had a cork screw. They got it all right, and nobody today can totally explain how they did it.
Down through the ages, mankind abandoned a godly and biblical worldview of what had been revealed from Adam down through Noah in favor of humanity’s flawed ideas, such as forms of humanism, atheism and superstition. As they began worshipping ancestors and false gods, their general worldview deteriorated into many various paths of paganism. It brought them all the way to the point of the Dark Ages. This affected science and innovation in a general pattern. It caused technology to remain nearly stagnant—with a few exceptions, of course, which were quickly twisted. A mind and culture with little hope has little desire to grow in the knowledge of God’s way of life.
Therefore, even technologies and innovations which start out for the good of mankind are used for war and tyranny. Many worldviews even deter science and technology because of their very nature, such as the global warming deception.
Acknowledging that our omniscient and omnipotent God upholds the earth and that He has promised to do so in the future gives us the basis for doing accurate and honest science. This understanding is vital to make true science possible.
Jeremiah 32:27 "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?
There is no doubt in my mind that God provided the knowledge to build the Great Pyramid. For what purpose, I do not know, but it is even tied in with the stars.
As biblically based science erupted, technology, knowledge, inventions, and innovation built one on top of the other. This brings us to the world in which we live, built on centuries of technology. Our technology continues to grow so that even non-Christians, such as humanists, are joining in the technological increase built on a biblical worldview, whether they realize it or not.
So, are we smarter than our ancient ancestors? I think not! We just live in an age when knowledge has increased and is increasing exponentially as we become dumber in what truly matters: our relationship with God and with one another.