Soldier On! (Part Two)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 6/5/2020
God does not want us to allow hardships to paralyze us. Instead, He wants us to learn the lessons inherent in the trial and move forward in faith.
Soldier On! (Part One)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 5/29/2020
People often give up when tragedy or adversity strikes. We all make mistakes. But God does not want His people to think that failure is the end of the road.
The House of Annas
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 5/1/2020
The most powerful Sadducee in the first century was Annas, who was appointed high priest. Accumulating impressive power at an early age, Annas used it well.
Deliverance and Unleavened Bread
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 3/20/2020
The spring festivals memorialize the redemption and exodus of the children of Israel from Egyptian slavery, as well as our own spiritual redemption.
A City on a Hill (Part Two)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 1/31/2020
We may never be featured in a museum, receive a Medal of Honor, or be the subject of a movie, but we can still be outstanding examples with our own lives.
A City on a Hill (Part One)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 1/24/2020
The eyes of the world are on those who seek to be God's servants. Consider these stories of people whose inspiring examples serve as witnesses to God's character.
Put God First
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 11/15/2019
It is easy to be distracted by things other than prayer, Bible study, and our relationship with God. He rarely zaps us to remind us to study and pray.
Submission (Part Two)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 10/11/2019
Those trained in the home to dishonor parents will resist authority on every front, whether civic authorities, supervisors on the job, or teachers in school.
Submission (Part One)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 10/4/2019
Regardless of which political party is in power, God counsels His children in Romans 13:1-7 on how to have peace in an anything-but-peaceful world.
Lessons From a Worm
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 4/12/2019
In Psalm 22, which prophesies of Christ's suffering, He says 'But I am a worm...." His reference is to a tola worm, which is rich in symbolism and meaning.
Friends of the Friendless (Part Two)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 3/8/2019
True worship of God is more than just not sinning but also visiting the widows and the fatherless. These categories represent all who are weak and lack support.
Friends of the Friendless (Part One)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 3/1/2019
God exhorts His children to be friends of the friendless, and reach out to others in our fellowship who may be experiencing difficult times.
Reasons for Not Celebrating Christmas
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 12/21/2018
Jesus was not born on December 25. The roots of Christmas are found in Saturnalia, and many of the trappings of Christmas are directly imported from paganism.
'Let Brotherly Love Continue'
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 6/8/2018
Brotherly love should be a significant part of a Christian’s life, and the Bible instructs us how we can show this love for one another.
From Dust to Dust
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 4/20/2018
The frailty and brevity of this life are bitter truths, but they are realities that we must confront. Yet there is life beyond the grave, as Scripture shows.
The Surety of Our Salvation
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 2/9/2018
Can we grasp the enormous cost of the payment that was made to enable our eternal future? Could we dare ask for more? Jesus laid His own eternal life on the line!
The Golden Rule (Part Two)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 10/27/2017
Showing kindness within friendships will make them all the stronger. Kindness reduces friction; it is the oil that allows our friendships to run their best.
The Golden Rule (Part One)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 10/20/2017
God's way of life is a way of outgoing concern for the good of others. It is offering a hand to help others to do what they cannot do for themselves.
Our Declaration of Independence (Part Two)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 6/30/2017
While our independence means that we are self-directed and can make our own decisions, we are still members of a society and must conduct ourselves accordingly.
Our Declaration of Independence (Part One)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 6/23/2017
It is good for us to remember the freedom that God has given to us, those in the church of God, a freedom that the rest of the world just does not have.