The Rich Young Ruler's Idol
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 8/23/2024
Jesus' advice to the rich young ruler to sell his goods and give to the poor was not well received. Do we have hidden idols that need to be exposed?
Tyre and Loving One's Enemies
'Prophecy Watch' Article; Posted 6/26/2024
Through Ezekiel, God prophesied the destruction of Tyre in great detail. God judged them guilty of pride, greed, and hatred toward His people, Israel.
Breaking Bad Habits
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 7/14/2023
Most of a Christian's persistent sins are caused by bad habits that have become engrained character flaws. They must be rooted out completely in humility.
Is God Playful?
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 5/5/2023
Should a Christian say or write something fictional or do something lighthearted or playful? We should allow Jesus Christ to be our Example in this area.
Characteristics of the Surrendered Life
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 4/1/2022
By surrendering to God and conducting ourselves in harmony with His revealed truth, we can live abundantly, and our lives become transformed.
Dead Prophets' Society
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 2/4/2022
Today's hollowed-out nominal Christianity asserts that, if one wants Christian doctrinal proof, go to Jesus and Paul, not Moses, David, or the prophets.
Another Look at the Prosperity Gospel
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 1/14/2022
Prosperity gospel preachers twist verses out of context to convince people that God will give them anything. They fail to mention that God does not give His benefits …
Entrance Exam
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 2/26/2021
Only a relative few can meet God's standards because they are extensive and demanding. This fact is one reason 'many are called, but few are chosen.'
Why Was God So Angry With Israel? (Part Two)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 12/11/2020
The well of God's patience is not bottomless. Today, we are witnessing God's waning patience with this nation as He removes His hand of protection.
Why Was God So Angry With Israel? (Part One)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 12/4/2020
What caused God to become so enraged at Israel when they refused to enter the Promised Land? The story starts a few years earlier in the Exodus from Egypt.
Conditions of Discipleship (Part Two)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 11/13/2020
If our worship of God ends in slavish obedience, so does our salvation! While He wants us to obey, God is not looking for obedient drudges but loyal children.
Conditions of Discipleship (Part One)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 11/6/2020
When Jesus gathered His disciples as He began His ministry, He needed principled and devout worshippers to teach and prepare for the work of spreading the gospel.
The Forgotten Promises
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 9/25/2020
Regular fasting should be among the most essential and effective items in our spiritual toolbox, one we use to draw close to God.
Is God Fair?
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 8/21/2020
After complaining, the Israelites received the death penalty. Is that fair? It seem to be a touch heavy-handed, but there is more more to the story.
Did Eve Really Speak to a Snake?
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 6/19/2020
Referring to Satan as a serpent is an example of a figure of speech. No ancient, physical snake is still running errands for Satan.
The Purpose of Prophecy
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 5/8/2020
God sent prophets to do one thing: to tell His people to return to keeping His commandments. While some foretold events, all of them preached obedience.
Heirs of the Kingdom
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 4/3/2020
The Jews believed that they had a natural right to the privileges of God's kingdom. They called themselves, therefore, "the children of the kingdom."
Divine Providence (Part Two)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 2/14/2020
God's care for us goes well beyond fulfilling our basic physical needs. He is far more interested in providing those things that aid us in our spiritual walk.
Divine Providence (Part One)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 2/7/2020
God's providence is a subject that few people, even in God’s church, have a full grasp on. Most look on it too narrowly, but we must consider it carefully.
God's Correction of His Children
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 9/13/2019
Trials provide an opportunity to inspect our attitudes and actions, prompting us to make adjustments, avoiding further, harsher correction from the Almighty.