Playlist: Faith and the Christian Fight (sermon series)
John W. Ritenbaugh
Faith and the Christian Fight (Part One)
Hebrews 11 and FaithThe Bible abounds in metaphors of warfare, indicating that the Christian's walk will be characterized by stress, sacrifice, and deprivation in building faith.
Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Two)
Saved By Grace Through FaithEverything that we go through has been engineered by God. We are His workmanship, created for good works, a response to the faith He has given us.
Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Three)
Walking with GodGod is pleased to save those who humble themselves, allowing Him to perform a mighty work through them, and putting everyone in debt to Him.
Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Four)
Our Need to and Reward for Diligently Seeking GodGod begins His spiritual creation by grace because the wages of sin is death. Consequently, God's people will exercise humility and faith in yielding to Him.
Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Five)
Ask, Seek, KnockBoth the 'eternal security' and 'no works' doctrines are destroyed by the remarkable example of Noah, who performed extraordinary works based upon faith.
Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Six)
The Calling of AbrahamGod's calling is personal and individual rather than general, opening otherwise closed minds, replacing spiritual blindness with spiritual understanding.
Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Seven)
Faith permitted Enoch, Noah, and Abraham to receive God's personal calling. Like our patriarchs, we were called while we lived in the wicked world.
Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Eight)
Abraham Concluded; Sarah's FaithAbraham embodied living by faith. Through perpetually living in a tent, he demonstrated his complete trust and reliance upon God.
Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Nine)
Hebrews 11: A Success FormulaThe heroes of faith may have had a longer period of testing than those called now, but the trials will come at greater intensity here at the end.
Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Ten)
Grace's Necessity to Christian LivingLike with the heroes of faith, our testing will be commensurate with the job God has prepared for us. We must make our relationship with God our top priority.