Playlist: Marriage and the Bride of Christ (sermon series)
Martin G. Collins
Marriage and the Bride of Christ (Part One)
Submission in the Fear of ChristWives are admonished to submit to their husbands, children to their parents, servants to their overseers, and we all are admonished to submit to one another.
Marriage and the Bride of Christ (Part Two)
General Marriage PrinciplesThe husband is charged to exercise love to his wife, actually a more demanding task than submitting, carrying more instructions than the command to submit.
Marriage and the Bride of Christ (Part Three)
The Order of CreationIn the order of creation, the husband was designated as the leader. From the Garden of Eden to the present, there have been problems with this arrangement.
Marriage and the Bride of Christ (Part Four)
Analogy of the BodyGod established the order of family relationships, creating Eve after Adam, not as a slave, but as a companion, prefiguring Christ and His Church.
Marriage and the Bride of Christ (Part Five)
The Husband's LoveGodly men, in scripture, far from the tyrannical dominance decried by feminists, demonstrate love and noble self-sacrifice and the way of outgoing concern.
Marriage and the Bride of Christ (Part Six)
The Bride of ChristHusbands must be humble (willing to sacrifice), imitating the behavior of Christ, striving to attain reconciliation and atonement with their wives.
Marriage and the Bride of Christ (Part Seven)
The Cleansing of the BrideChristians must address marriage problems from God's perspective. Stress can cause people to lay aside their values in favor of humanly reasoned solutions.
Marriage and the Bride of Christ (Part Eight)
The Bride: Nourished, Cherished, and GlorifiedThe husband is commanded to love his wife as his own body, regarding her as precious and delicate, continually nourishing and protecting her.
Marriage and the Bride of Christ (Part Nine)
Becoming One FleshThe marriage relationship and the family structure provide a workshop to learn the intricacies of the God-plane relationship between Christ and the church.
Marriage and the Bride of Christ (Part Ten)
The Privileges the Bride ReceivesMany have carried the baggage of the world into God's Church. We need to gain an appreciation of the privileges Christ has bestowed on His Church.
Marriage and the Bride of Christ (Part Eleven)
The Husband's ResponsibilityOur concept of marriage must be positive and more mature, modeled after Christ's attentiveness toward the Church, as opposed to the world's distorted concept.
Marriage and the Bride of Christ (Part Twelve)
UnityAs husband and wife are commanded to become one flesh, members of the Bride of Christ become spiritually unified through the indwelling of God's Spirit.