Playlist: Authority, Respect for (topic)


Authority and Government

Sermon by John O. Reid

Too many feel that they are above the law, but paradoxically, laws proliferate when corruption prevails. We must be subject to all law, God's and man's.

Authority: Why So Many Resent It

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Pride, the father of all sins, is the source of self-exaltation, self-justification and the despising of authority. It cloaks rebellion in a deceptive appeal.

Honor the King

Commentary by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

We find it difficult to maintain a spirit of calmness and refrain from taking sides, let alone to show honor to those God has placed over us.

To Whom Honor Is Due

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Dishonoring one's parents is a serious abomination, considered a capital offense by God. Fathers must be worthy of honor, teaching their children to honor God.

Crucial Parenting Principles

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Recently, the University of Virginia's Institute on Advanced Culture identified four current parenting styles, with mixed results.

Strengthening the Family

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

God ordained marriage and the family for the physical and spiritual growth and nurturing of children. God's goal is a Family composed of mature spirit beings.

The Commandments (Part Ten)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

The fifth commandment provides a bridge, connecting our relationships with God and the relationships with our fellow human beings.

Perfect, Gentle Courtesy (Part 3)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Parents are obligated to teach God's laws to their children. According to Emily Post, good manners are to the family what good morals are to society.

The Fifth Commandment

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The fifth commandment teaches our responsibility to give high regard, respect, and esteem to parents and other authority figures, leading to a prosperous life.

Parenting (Part 4): Discipline

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Realizing that parental authority must be used with godly love, the prompt discipline we mete out should be fair and appropriate.

The Commandments (Part Eleven)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Honor of parents is the basis for good government. The family provides the venue for someone to learn to make sacrifices and be part of a community.

Let's Not Make a Federal Case Out of It

Commentary by Mike Ford

Even though they were originally very limited, over time, Federal rules have intertwined with local laws, snuffing out the jurisdiction of local governments.

Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Twenty-Nine)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

We are not privy to God's, but we must realize that He has the prerogative to impose both blessings and calamity, the latter in response to disobedience.

God's Will in the End Time

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

God does not like to inflict punishment on people, but because of sin, He is obligated to correct. But as quickly as God punishes, God restores and heals.

What's Happening to Deference?

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Deference has largely disappeared as the emerging generation has been taught by the mores of progressivism to diss their elders, showing contempt for them.

Childrearing (Part Two)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

We cannot turn the teaching of our children over to others, but instead must train and educate them to become productive citizens in the Kingdom of God.

Government (Part Five)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Only those who are governable will be allowed to govern with God. No government will work without each individual submitting in his area of responsibility.

Self-Government (Part Two)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

If we govern ourselves, God will take care of us. Government of any kind will not work unless people govern their own nature. Self-control enables us to show love.

Jude and the Glorious Power of God

Sermon by Mark Schindler

Attributing the messages of God's spokesmen as coming from Satan constitutes speaking evil of dignitaries. Jude emphasizes submission to divine authority.

Submitting (Part 1)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Liberty without guidelines will turn into chaos. We will be free only if we submit to the truth. All authority, even incompetent authority, derives from God.

Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Thirty-Two): Ecclesiastes 8:1-9

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Ecclesiastes was to be read during the Feast of Tabernacles, emphasizing a state of temporariness, as God's people were commanded to live in temporary quarters.

Don't Meddle and Always Be Ready to Answer

Sermon by Mark Schindler

Satan seeks to distract God's people by enticing them to meddle in governmental matters, thereby endangering their relationship with God.

Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Thirty)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

In the matter of deference to civil authority, we must remember that we must give governing officials respect, even though they may be the basest of men.

Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Twenty-Eight)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Wisdom does not give us complete understanding into the ultimate purposes of God, but when accompanied with faith in God, it will brighten our countenance.

The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Twenty-Five)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

In Galatians, Paul took issue with the Halakhah, not God's word. Halakhah was a massive collection of human opinion that placed a yoke on its followers.

It IS All About Government

Sermon by Mark Schindler

Every form of human government established on this earth has been established as an attempt to declare independence from the sovereignty of God.

Titus (Part Five): A Church in Training

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Paul, realizing that the tiny flock was no match for the Roman Empire, did not crusade to abolish slavery, but instead taught the church how to deal with it.

Think First of What We Say

Commentary by Bill Onisick

The information from media and the internet have demonstrated various degrees of inaccuracy. Consequently, we are vulnerable to spreading false reports.

The Purpose of Offerings

Sermonette by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The Pastor General of a well-known church made a statement that turned the giving of offerings into a competition and a rich man's game. Is this God's intent?

Numbers (Part One): Journey in the Desert

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

God never says the Christian life would be easy or that life would always be fair. Difficulties and tests are given to test our hearts and promote humility.

'Children Are Their Oppressors'

Sermonette by Ronny H. Graham

Anyone with eyes and a modicum of common sense can see the prophecy of Isaiah 3:12 unfold before us, with children as our oppressors and women as our rulers.

Paul's Letter to Titus (Part 1)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Paul encourages Titus to seek out teachers who have an ardent love of the truth, and warns him about false teachers who deceive the congregation.

Unity (Part 2): God's Pattern of Leadership

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

God is not the author of confusion, but throughout the scriptures has used a consistent pattern of appointing leaders over His called-out ones.

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