Playlist: How God Deals With Conscience (sermon series)


How God Deals With Conscience (Part One)

The Consciences of Joseph's Brothers

God orchestrated the repentance of Joseph's brothers by carefully crafted words and enforced solitude to refresh their memories and expose their sin.

How God Deals With Conscience (Part Two)

The Consciences of Joseph's Brothers, Elijah and Elisha

We may have guilty consciences like Joseph's brothers and self-pity like Jacob, but we can break through if we acknowledge God as Jacob and Elisha did.

How God Deals With Conscience (Part Three)

Consciences of Joseph's Brothers

We have to learn to rely on God to get us out of strait and difficult situations, realizing that God may want to help us to develop a backbone and mature.

How God Deals With Conscience (Part Four)

Consciences of Joseph's Brothers

At times, God has to ignite our conscience and undermine our self-confidence to get our attention in a similar fashion as he did to Joseph's brothers.

How God Deals With Conscience (Part Five)

Joseph and His Brothers

Joseph knew and recognized his brothers before they knew him, even as God knows our guiltiest secret sins that we think we have effectively hidden.

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