Playlist: Offerings (Bible study series)


Offerings (Part One)

The burnt offering shows Christ giving Himself completely to God as God's portion. It represents a life fully devoted to God, which is what truly satisfies Him.

Offerings (Part Two)

The sacrifices teach us about the mind, heart, and character of Jesus. The burnt offering symbolizes complete devotion to God in every aspect of life.

Offerings (Part Three)

The meal offering (grain offering) represents fulfilling our duty to our neighbor. he materials used in the meal offering symbolize Jesus' perfect character.

Offerings (Part Four)

The peace offering symbolizes the abundant life that results from complete devotion to God (the burnt offering) and service to others (the meal offering).

Offerings (Part Five)

We give peace offerings today through living sacrifice, keeping God's law out of love and to glorify Him rather than just to perform duty.

Offerings (Part Six)

The sin offering was for sin in general deals with our evil nature, while the trespass offering deals with the fruits of that nature.

Offerings (Part Seven)

If we want to follow Christ, we must sacrifice, take up our cross, and follow His example of service to God and others.

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