Playlist: Federal Reserve Quotes (commentary series)


Quotes Regarding the Federal Reserve (Part One)

Bankers from Hell

The Rothchilds and the heads of the Federal Reserve have been mis-educating and deceiving Americans and Europeans with the aim of taking over all the wealth.

Quotes Regarding the Federal Reserve (Part Two)

Established and Maintained Through Lying

The Federal Reserve is a private corporation masquerading as an official agency of the Federal Government, which prints dollars backed up by I.O.U.s.

Federal Reserve Quotes (Part 3)

How it "Makes" Money

Both major political parties have shamelessly lied about the purpose and the responsibilities of the Federal Reserve System.

Federal Reserve Bank Quotes (Part 4)

Lies, Lies, and More Lies

The intentions of the Federal Reserve are protected by a complicit media, with the NYT CEO Swinton declaring it is the business of journalism to destroy truth.

Federal Reserve Quotes (Part 5)

It is Fraud, a Money Making Scam

The loan-sharks that control the Federal Reserve need continuous borrowing to cover up the truth that our currency is based on absolutely nothing.