Playlist: Speech, Freedom of (topic)


The Abuse of Freedom

Commentary by Joseph B. Baity

Change agents in the United States are engaging in a deliberate assault on free speech, which the Founding Fathers protected through the Bill of Rights.

A Famine of The Word (Part One)

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

Billionaires have commandeered Apple, Twitter, Google, and Facebook, all ostensibly created for promoting free speech, for the purpose of censoring comments.

No More Secrets

Commentary by Ryan McClure

The governmental intrusions into privacy, depicted by the movie Sneakers, have become a grim reality. With life online, nothing is secret.

Another Mark of the Beast

Commentary by David F. Maas

Big Tech is creating a new mode of governance through which data analytics are used to create algorithms that decide rewards and punishment for targeted behaviors.

What Is Your Social Credit Ranking?

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

Social scoring is the rating of a person's influence by such criteria as the number of social media followers. The effect will be to create a caste system.

Censorship and Political Correctness

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

The algorithm in Microsoft's new AI-based software enables it to find 'offensive' and 'insensitive' usages and suggest post-modern replacements.

Your Mouth is About to Get You in Trouble

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

Leftist attorneys have elevated animal rights over human rights, attempting to 'give back' to animals the rights that human beings have 'taken' from them.

A Famine of the Word (Part Two)

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

Progressives are attempting to thwart criticism of the homosexual agenda by forcefully removing 'intolerant speech' from Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, and YouTube.

Liberty and Justice for All

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

God has freed us from the bondage of sin, the breaking of His law. Liberty comes only from obeying God and accepting the positive yoke of Jesus Christ.

Urgency to Get Closer to God

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Kim Myers

The time when the offspring of Jacob are going to pay the piper is rapidly closing in. We must cultivate a sense of urgency in our relationship with God.