Playlist: Wolves as False Ministers (topic)
Beware of False Prophets
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsFalse prophets promote the broad way, giving people what they want to hear. They replace God's truth with human tradition. They are identified by their fruit.
Spotting False Teachers
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughTrue shepherds have genuine concern for the flock, as opposed to hirelings who only devour or take advantage of the flock.
Four Warnings (Part Two): Beware of False Prophets
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughGod's people will know false teachers by their fruits. Even as helpless sheep, we must exercise vigilance detecting the fruits of their preaching.
Knowing a True Shepherd
Sermonette by Mike FordWe are cautioned to test the spirits contained in what a shepherd says to see whether they come from God. The world is not able to understand this message.
Being Deceived
Sermon by Clyde FinkleaChrist warned that many would be deceived, though no one ever admits to being deceived. The Bible warns of deceptions from within and without the church.
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe book of Jude, a scathing indictment against false teachers, may be the most neglected book in the New Testament. False teachers twist grace into license.
Matthew (Part Eleven)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughLife consists of a series of choices, often a dilemma of a pleasurable choice on one hand and a difficult choice (that produces more growth) on the other.
Jesus the Door
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughJohn 10:7-10 proclaims that Jesus is the door of the sheepfold or corral. If we follow Him in and out, we will have abundant life, now and in the Kingdom.
Acts (Part Twenty-One)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughThe phrase 'first day of the week' is used 8 times in scripture, but none does away with the Sabbath nor establishes Sunday as the 'Lords Day.'
John (Part Seventeen)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughThe shepherd and door analogies in John 10 depict the close relationship of Jesus with His flock as the security and stability provided by His protection.
Suffering Disgrace For Christ's Name
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsWe can always expect new challenges, including persecution, and must never be content with standing still, but must press on to spiritual maturity.
Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen (Part One)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsJesus Christ warns us to hold fast to true doctrine. Secular historians help us discover the identity of the small flock repeatedly rescued from apostasy.
God Hates? (Part Two)
Sermonette by Ronny H. GrahamAlmighty God loves righteousness—something which Gods saints should emulate. Conversely, God abhors, disdains, and hates evil, particularly the Nicolaitans'.
Government (Part Four)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughFor us to take on the glory of God, we must have the same kind of access to the Father as Christ did, taking on the responsibility of behaving like His sons.