Playlist: Maintaining Good Health (sermon series)


Maintaining Good Health (Part 1)

Stewardship of Our Bodies

Stewardship of our bodies is (like the Levitical maintenance of the temple) an aspect of holiness, strengthening our relationship with Jesus Christ.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 2)


The cleanliness laws in Leviticus, prescribing cleansing and quarantine, apply to the spiritual dimension as well. God will not tolerate uncleanness.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 3)

Food and Banquets

The Bible contains 700 references to the act of eating. Eating reminds us that God's provision and human need also apply on a spiritual level.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 4)

More Biblical Examples of Eating

While drunkenness and gluttony show self-centeredness and lack of discipline, often leading to poverty and ill health, moderation is the way to glorify God.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 5)

Food Metaphors; Esau and Jacob

In the Bible, eating can be a symbol of fornication. Like Jacob and Christ, we must learn to curb our appetites, learning to distinguish holy from profane.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 6)

The Difference Between Jacob and Esau

We can do nothing to gain the favor of God before our calling, but we are empowered by God to carry out a particular part of His plan to edify the body.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 7)

Our Spiritual Diet

Jeremiah compares studying and meditating upon God's Word to physical eating, enabling a person to receive spiritual energy, vitality, and health.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 8)

Bread of Life

A poor spiritual diet will bring about a weak spiritual condition. What the mind assimilates is exceedingly more important than what the stomach assimilates.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 9)

Putting Truth Into Practice

Good spiritual health follows the same patterns and laws as do physical and psychological health. Any permanent change in character must come from within.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 10)

Truth and Health

Even though we are already damaged goods when God calls us, by embracing God's truth and seeking His help, we can break the bad habits which enslave us.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 11)


Human nature takes chances, assuming the day of reckoning will come later, not sooner. We cannot ignore truth or God's laws without paying a horrific price.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 12)

Our Relationship With God

The church of God today resembles a patient languishing from a deadly disease, resulting from a diet of spiritual junk food and neglecting the bread of life.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 13)


Commitment to a course of action is essential for physical or spiritual success. Faith motivates and sustains right action, protecting us from wavering.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 14)

Biblical Principles Regarding Food

Proper diet demands responsible choices, and if we do not yield to God's laws governing nutrition, choosing the best foods, we will eventually pay the price.

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