Biblestudy: The Commandments (Part Nineteen)

Coveting/Lusting/Desire and Idolatry

Given 12-May-90; 91 minutes


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Advertisers and politicians shamelessly (and successfully) manipulate us with the "Get way" or the "Keep up with the Joneses" (lust or coveting) principle. A commentator once remarked, "All public crime would cease if this [Tenth] Commandment were kept." Jesus taught that all outward sin stems from inner inordinate desire. What we desire or lust after automatically becomes our idol. If our imaginations are fed dirt, our minds will become dirty. We desperately need to learn to radically amputate or mortify the self-centered lusts and desires that will inevitably (if followed to completion) lead us to the lake of fire. The Tenth Commandment (like the First) serves as a control or regulator, enabling us to successfully keep all the other commandments. Ardently desiring the Word of God and His Kingdom (realizing that happiness and joy come only from spirituality) serves as the most effective antidote to lust and covetousness.

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