Biblestudy: Philippians (Part Two)

Philippians 1:6-26

Given 25-Jul-89; 84 minutes


playlist Go to the Philippians (Bible study series) playlist

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In his letter to the Philippians, Paul both appealed for unity and offered encouragement, reminding them that their relationship with one another was through Christ. Unity could only be maintained if they prayed for one another, exercising reasoning, discerning, and discriminating agape love. Paul encourages the Philippians, assuring them that his own incarceration (apparently engineered by God) had turned out for the best, enabling him, exuding his cheerful personality, to provide one-on-one testimony to a succession of guards, enabling God's witness to get to the upper echelons of the Praetorian guard, greatly extending or amplifying the witness. Regardless of the precariousness of his ostensibly grave circumstances, Paul, with deep conviction, expected spiritual deliverance.

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