Sermonette: News of the Work (2004)

The Household of God

Given 04-Oct-04; 16 minutes


playlist Go to the Feast of Tabernacles 2004 playlist

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We must learn to provide for the spiritual needs of the household of God, emulating God's characteristics of providence and faithfulness. The greatest need for the household of God is spiritual, restoring the eroded foundation of faith in the greater church of God. Dwelling in temporary dwellings does not depict a time of privation, but symbolizes a harvest festival, suggesting that God will faithfully supply every need. During this current time, the physical needs of Israel have been amply taken care of, but the spiritual needs are in a sorry deficit. To this end, the Church of the Great God attends to the spiritual needs of the greater church of God (providing a valuable educational resource) with the Forerunner, a decade's worth of articles, sermons, sermonettes, and Bible Studies, the Berean Commentary, Bible Tools, Sabbath and other Internet sources- providing an abundant source of rich spiritual meat. If God creates increase, we must be ready to faithfully follow through on attending to the spiritual needs of the newly called.

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