Sermonette: Sacrificing to Build the Temple
John O. Reid (1930-2016)
Given 07-Oct-04; 19 minutes
description: (hide) We, of all people, should have the most motivation to give an offering. We can give with special understanding. David, in I Chronicles 28 asked for a special offering for the construction of the House of the Lord, an event in which God Almighty was intensely involved. David meticulously prepared for this offering, giving ample quantities of gold, silver, brass, and other precious metals, providing a model for returning thanks to God. Today, we are building a far more magnificent temple than Solomon constructed, namely the spiritual temple of God, the collective Bride of Christ- the temple of God. We build the temple when we contribute toward the Forerunner, the church website,, the Berean Bible study and commentary,, as well as the cache of sermons, Bible studies, and articles lovingly prepared by a comparatively small handful of individuals to feed a spiritually starved world.