Thanksgiving: Honorable Origins
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 11/22/2024
Some question whether Christians should keep Thanksgiving. Did not pagans have such festivals? The modern Thanksgiving, however, has honorable origins.
Our Hidden Enemy
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 9/27/2024
A terrible, corrupt enemy lurks within us, poised to bring disaster on us if we allow it. It is the human heart, which God calls 'desperately wicked.'
Rumors Will Fly
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 2/24/2023
It does not matter to what organization one belongs - office, team, or church - rumors and gossip always fly. Intentional or not, rumors produce results.
The Feast Is Coming!
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 8/26/2022
What should we have on our minds as we prepare to go to the Feast of Tabernacles this year? What overall message does keeping this festival teach us?
Consider Before You Speak
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 11/3/2017
We are not just to know the fundamentals of Christianity, we have to put them into practice, and as we do, the more understanding we will have in using them.
Many Are Called, Few Are Chosen
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 8/24/2016
God's calling and predestination can be confusing, especially the verse that 'many are called, but few are chosen'. Why does God not just choose everyone?
Ask God for the Little Things
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 1/29/2016
People used to look to God more than they do now. It was common for people to take all their needs to God, confident that He would listen to and provide them.
You Shall Love Your Neighbor (Part Three)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 1/23/2015
We learn to love God by first loving our parents. Our first lessons in loving our neighbors happen within what should be the friendly confines of the family.
You Shall Love Your Neighbor (Part Two)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 1/16/2015
Showing God's love to our neighbor goes beyond wishing him well but extends to actively doing him good. It means doing what will benefit him.
You Shall Love Your Neighbor (Part One)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 1/9/2015
The problem with the Pharisees is that they never grasped the simplicity of the law, much less the spirit of it, but dissected it to be thought righteous.
National False Witness
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 11/28/2014
Lying has become so normal that we just expect it. Worse, we can slip into the mode of living with it and even unconsciously participating in it.
Passover Preparedness
Sermonette; Given 3/22/2014
We are to seriously consider this season, examining ourselves carefully and soberly, measuring ourselves against the sinless life of Jesus Christ.
Evaluating the Price of Redemption
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 1/31/2014
Of all of God's appointed times, the Passover is one that we should not rush into without thought and preparation, lest we miss the awesome depth of its meaning.
Rod of Iron
Sermon; Given 1/4/2014
Cultural and belief systems contrary to God's way of life will not dissolve or break apart easily, but will require a rod of iron to break them apart.
Who Are You?
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon; Given 9/22/2013
God chooses the base and the foolish of the world, giving them the precious truth leading to sanctification and glorification, making us unique to God.
Worship in Spirit and Truth
Sermonette; Given 7/20/2013
God is spirit and must be worshiped as spirit apart from all error and insincerity. By worshiping in spirit and in truth, we take on the nature of God.
The Harvest Is Almost In!
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 5/17/2013
The harvest we have all longed for is almost here, but we have a little more time to labor. The return of Christ is soon, but it is not here quite yet.
God's Warning
Sermon; Given 2/23/2013
To watch world events but to ignore our spiritual progress and overcoming is a foolish and futile exercise. We need to watch how we conduct ourselves.
Do We Remember Who We Are?
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 11/30/2012
Though we are the weak in the world, in God's eyes we are precious. Although we are right now lower than angels, we will be set over the works of His hands.
The Harvest is Almost In
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon; Given 10/7/2012
Without Jesus Christ ruling this earth, mankind cannot govern himself one iota. Good times are coming to the earth when God's governance will restore all things.